Demo's for new songs

Some new songs have been dripping out of me, slowly. It's not often that I have the time to sit quietly with a guitar or a keyboard and let my imagination run away. Usually when I do grab an instrument, something will come out and I will capture it roughly on my iPad...... but this time I decided to actually lay down a few tracks. Writing songs at this stage of my life is a funny thing. While I feel that I can write a decent song from time to time, I question WHY I should even bother? What's the purpose? What am I going to do with this song? Who's going to hear it? None of that should matter but it does. The other part of me, which I can't control, continues to flood my conscience with little ditties that I want to investigate... I almost feel guilty if I ignore them. I'm trying to collaborate with some musician friends of mine who I used to live and breath every musical idea with but as always, we are all older and life is busy. Everyone is settled firmly in their nest, including me. We'll see what happens. Until then, I'll always have the demos.... Here's a recent one: BTW, I upgraded my computer in a major way so I can now operate at a reasonable pace when recording. My old G4 served me well but while making "Tape and Glue" I literally was stuck in the stone age with that machine!


  1. Beautiful track. Don't stop creating. I share you tunes with a lot of folks and everyone of them loves your tunes.

  2. Thanks, Allan. I appreciate your kind words.

  3. If any of them are half as good as "September" it'll be worth it.


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