When we arrived at Dreamland around 6pm I was surprised to see Jerry Marotta (Gabriel, McCartney) waiting for us in the live room. I wanted so badly to tell him how many nights I spent driving around with my buddy, Chris Thomas, air drumming to his amazing playing on Peter Gabriel’s 4th album, Security (San Jacinto, Shock The Monkey) but I didn’t want to embarrass myself! Instead we just chatted about dogs, music and some other stuff. A nice welcome. That record was a game changer for me and one of my all time favorites.
Mr. Marotta has built a good thing up here in the Catskills.. a beautiful room, serious gear and a great vibe. We start recording some new songs I’ve written tomorrow morning and I’m excited. We all feel so lucky to be here, focusing on music and long friendships while the world tries to cope with the madness involved with the Coronavirus. I think we will leave here with some great stuff. Peace.

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